
The main focus of the Cultural Exchange Objective is to teach about the unique art, dance, and music culture of Ghana and learn from those we teach.

Samuel Nkrumah Yeboah, known in Ghana as Powerful, a Ghanaian drummer and drum maker and the founder of Nkabom African Music and Dance Ensemble, is pleased to invite you to Ghana to experience art, dance, and music training offered by some of the best teachers and performing artists in Ghana.

The Concern

Art, dance, and music are an important part of life in Ghana. Yet, opportunities to seek formal training for people in rural villages are limited. In addition, professional artists struggle to find students to impart their wisdom to in such a way that they can make a viable living.

Current Cultural Exchange Programs

The Nkabom Centre cultural exchange programs feature instruction in art, dance, and music by professional, experienced artists. The classes or workshops can be in the context of a service trip or for a group coming to Okurase for the specific goal of learning a particular art form. In addition, professional artists are welcome to hone their skills and to teach what they know. All teachers are paid a fair wage and any profits from our classes or tours go to fund Project OKURASE and its efforts to build the Nkabom Centre. 

Our local professional children’s cultural troupe is another source for learning. They rehearse at least 5 times a week and are always generous about including visitors and providing performances. In addition to our local classes, our cultural exchange programs can serve an international humanitarian function to help those in need of healing such as in the Ties That Bind US Program.

Other Considerations

RECORDING STUDIO - Project OKURASE has architectural drawings and plans to build a recording studio at the Nkabom Centre. The goal is to help potential recording artists get their music out. We expect professional musicians to come to Okurase to record when the studio opens in the future.

How You Can Help

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