
Afia is a beautiful loving child that lives is a remote village about 45 minutes from Okurase.

On April 12, 2010, Project OKURASE was called to a remote village about 45 minutes from Okurase.  A baby had been born and mum died in childbirth.  Her auntie was trying her best to raise her but had no food for her. An Australian field worker found the baby near death. Our Project Coordinator joined forces with the Auntie to save the baby’s life by helping to get formula.

A Belgian woman from Cambridge, England called Brigitte Squire had arrived in Ghana to visit Project OKURASE. She was with the group when we visited Afia in her village. Brigitte and her family in Belgium decided to support Afia so that her Auntie could continue to raise her. Brigitte and family to this day have supported Afia, her Auntie (now call mum) and siblings. Their support has enabled the family to survive and Afia to attend school.

She is beautiful, thriving, happy, and full of life. All in her village realizes she has “extended family” in England and Belgium.